Joey, The Naughty Kangaroo Adventure Series

Joey the Naughty Kangaroo series introduces children to a charming, but sometimes mischievous young kangaroo.

His behaviour gets him into trouble at times, but he always learns his lesson!

Buy these books either in paperback with full color illustrations, or in Kindle form.

** NEW Books **

Join Joey on his adventures, where he learns that his parents have good reasons for their rules. In Book 5, Joey learns why it is a good idea to go to bed when he is told!


Stay tuned, book 6 is coming soon!!!

 Featured Books

Joey chooses not to listen to his parents' warnings, resulting in an unexpected journey! Follow Joey's adventures as he learns why he should never, ever, ever run into the road.

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It's time for a family trip to the seaside, but Joey, the Naughty Kangaroo, is up to his old tricks again. Join him on his adventure as he discovers why he was asked to stay close to his parents at the start.

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Buy the 2nd edition paperback w/ bonus coloring pages HERE

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It's time for dinner, but Joey, the Naughty Kangaroo, decides to trick his mama and hide instead. Find out what happens when he gets hungry and comes out to surprise everyone.

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Buy the 2nd edition paperback w/ bonus coloring pages HERE

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Joey is not as little a kangaroo as he used to be, but he still wants to ride in his mother's pouch. Find out what happens when she lets him have what he wants one day.

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Buy the 2nd edition paperback w/ bonus coloring pages HERE

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