Spiritual Books for Children
Spiritual Books for Children
LB Reichel's books serve as a catalyst for discussions between parents and children on spiritual topics.
On the natural world around us, (Tell Me a Secret: Wisdom from Nature)-
On the beginnings of life, (Creation is Love: A Spiritual Look at the Origins of the Universe)-
And the ways God shows love to us in everyday life, (God Loves You), which is also in audio format.
Positive beliefs can help children become positive and healthy adults.
The books are suitable for families from any religious background, or those looking for spiritual but not religious materials.
Featured Books
Creation Is Love - A Spiritual Look At The Origins Of The Universe
The beauty of Creation is set in motion by infinite Spirit at the beginning of time. We are introduced to the practice of deep listening to hear the sound of Creation.
God Loves You
How does God love me? This book celebrates how God's love is shown through many aspects of a child's life, with a particular focus on nature and the people close to them. A link to the song that you can download is included in the book.
Tell Me A Secret - Wisdom From Nature
A book which asks nature to tell us its secrets. We learn from the ocean, islands, sand and clouds. From God, we learn the biggest secret of all. A charming bedtime story in the genre of "Good Night, Moon."